Further introduction partners

De Plantijn is located in the north-western corner of the Schinkel Quarter in Amsterdam. De Plantijn is a foundation in which Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, Sanquin, Slotervaar Centrum voor Zorg and Cordaan’s Hof van Sloten nursing home have joined forces and become collaborative partners. The aim is to turn this area into a lively city district with a diverse range of facilities. The current partners play a major role in these future plans. But who are these partners?

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, or AVL for short, is a hospital and research institute specialising in cancer. It focuses on new methods of diagnosis and treatment. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek is the only Comprehensive Cancer Centre in the Netherlands for cancer care and research designated by the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes.

The Dutch non-profit organisation Sanquin is responsible for blood supply in the Netherlands. They do this together with the many thousands of donors for a better life for patients. In addition to collecting, processing and issuing blood products, Sanquin is engaged in the production of reagents, conducting research and providing education.

Slotervaart Centrum voor Zorg
The building of the former Slotervaart hospital is now home to the Slotervaart Centrum voor Zorg. A place where care and people come together. It offers room to very diverse care institutions that fit in with the needs of society. Think, for example, of a Health Centre for first-line care parties and an innovation and learning section.

Cordaan’s Hof van Sloten nursing home
Hof van Sloten is a place for living and rehabilitation. It is a spacious building, surrounded by beautiful gardens, terraces and balconies. Hof van Sloten offers various forms of care to clients with brain disorders, clients in need of rehabilitation and there is also a department for care in the last phase of life.

Curious about the specific plans and developments for De Plantijn? Keep an eye on this website and you will read all about it.